We had another pizza party at work today. Totally out of the blue. Our boss, Liz, decided that since it was too quiet at work today (well it's a Monday), she said "ok guys, we're having pizza today." She's just a genuinely nice person and she's fed us so much food already. Plus she's planning a Thanksgiving dinner for the entire office next week. No, not a potluck, she's going to buy Thanksgiving dinner for the entire staff! Turkey, stuffing, green beans, mash potatoes, thanksgiving food. What kind of person thinks of this stuff?! But thanks Liz!
Low key evening when we got home from work. I helped Kristina cooked dinner and we had our team meeting today. We went over a few things from our agenda and then for the learning activities, I learned about the solar system and art therapy. I really enjoyed the art therapy; it was an interesting and enjoyable subject. We had to chose 6 of our favorite colors and then write down six things that was important to us. I put down family, friends, traveling, basketball, food, and my background/heritage. Then we had an outline of the human body where we colored in our six things that was important to us. We then had a discussion on why we colored where we colored. (See pic below)
I'm also trying to finish up the wraps on the Houston portfolio and slowly attacking some of my college essays at the same time. I haven't heard back from some schools if they'll waive my application fee yet, but I think I'm just going to start and apply anyways. Especially to the schools I that I could see myself at.
Day 113 - Tuesday (3), Another busy, busy day at the office for me! I can't wait until I am done with this portfolio. The Houston one is almost done. About a page and a half to go! But that will get finished tomorrow since I haven't received all the information yet.
After work, majority of the team went to the zoo. I found out later that they went to the mall instead because they didn't make it to the zoo in time before they closed the booths for admission entry. I stayed behind so I could finish up some final touches on the Houston portfolio and start the Austin one. We're on a pretty good track right now as to getting in done if there are no unforeseen circumstances tomorrow at work.
I finally was able to get to bed early tonight! We had dinner, then I watched the newest episode of Blindspot, packed lunch, showered, and got into bed by 9:30. I checked my social media, wrote in my blog, then went to bed. Can't believe tomorrow is already Wednesday. This week so going so fast. And on Thursday, that marks two weeks remaining here in Houston.
Day 114 - Wednesday (4), After a long day at work, I finally finished the Houston portfolio and have one small section left of the Austin one which I'm waiting for the rest of the info to finish it. I still have to go through and proofread all of it, but for the most part, the designing of the portfolio should be finished.
After work, we went to the gym for PT. I went outside with a few others to play soccer on the field. It was kind of a bad idea. As much fun as I had playing soccer, I got bit by so many mosquitoes. I have approximately 21 mosquitoes bites. You can bet that I took a shower as soon as I got back at the hotel to wash off. I then put some calendula on it to help with the itching. When these Texas mosquitoes bite, they don't leave a little welt like the one in CA does, they leave a huge welt. I've had some as big as my entire palm. The bites are a pain in the butt. Some don't itch, but some of the welts will itch like crazy to the point that if even the slightest amount of air brushes by it, it will itch like crazy.
I have a scholarship deadline coming up just around the corner so I worked on the the essay before dinner. I also watched the Country Music Awards (CMAs) on TV.
Day 115 - Thursday (5), Today since the portfolios are for the most part 100% completed, I got the chance to work on some college essays and scholarships. Like I may have mentioned before, I have one due on Monday so I have to get a rough draft done by Friday night, have it reviewed and edit it on Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully it will get submitted Sunday evening.
After work, we did PT at the gym. I did some weights in the gym first, then played basketball outside. I got bit by a half dozen more mosquitoes so I'm not to happy about having big, red, itchy welts right now.
I made dinner tonight which was Pad Thai. It was a quick and easy dish. It tasted alright - I felt like I added too much rice vinegar although I did add as much as the recipe asked for. I don't have that magical touch my parents have whenever they touch food and it turns into something spectacular.
Today also marks two weeks left of Round 1. I can't believe we're a more than 1/3 of the ways done with this program. I think it's like 167 more days left!
Day 116 - Friday (6), Today was a quick Friday at work. I had a write a few paragraphs summarizing Round 1, then I worked on the scholarship essay that was due on Monday. A little bit behind on the essay, but with a few good hour tonight and plenty of it tomorrow, we should be good.
After work, majority of the team went to go rock climbing. I chose to stay behind to take that quiet time to work more on my essay. It was quite nice to finally have some quiet time where I was able to work undisturbed for the most part.
Day 117 - Saturday (7), Woke up a bit earlier than I wanted to today, but I wanted to go to the gym. I always enjoy working out in the morning because you can just get it out of the way and have the afternoon free. In addition to that, it increases your metabolism and just makes me feel better when I work out in the mornings.
Today was another one of those cloudy and rainy Saturdays, but I didn't mind much. I dedicated most of the afternoon to writing my essay and its seems almost done for the most part. And thanks to my parents for helping me out with it.
Day 118 - Sunday (8), Today was a very quiet day. I had the room to myself for a good 5-6 hours. Part of the team went to the mall to set up an AmeriCorps recruiting table and afterwards, they went shopping. So with that good 6 hours of pure quiet, I was able to complete and submit my essay with the help of my parents.
There was really nothing much more to today. It mainly consisted of me sitting in my bed, typing away. Hopefully, these next few weeks will be more interesting especially that we will have less than two week before arriving back onto campus. There will be plenty of stories to share and listen. I'm quite excited for that.
I threw away the original one I did, but I made another one. This is as close to a replica as it will get. If you click on the picture, it should enlarge so you can read the text.
Found this at the mall. This is for all you wine drinkers at there!
Disclaimer: this does not apply to my Mom because she already is smart and has all the wisdom in the world.
FARE Walk for Food Allergy - they promised us doughnuts for last Saturday morning, but since the event got cancelled, we never got doughnuts. But on Wednesday, they kept their promise and delivered us doughnuts, which was so nice of them!
Sorry for the lack of pictures this week. It was pretty much an uneventful week for me as you can tell by all the work needed to be done for the portfolios and essays.
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